Learn Panchkarma Therapies @ Best Private BAMS Ayurvedic College in UP

Health is wealth, wealth of health. You may not be able to measure your wealth as per the materialistic definition of wealth. But what you can do is to see how happy your family members are around you. We know that health has a tremendous influence on how people think and feel about themselves and how life goes at home and out of the house.

Traditional Ayurvedic practices, such as Panchkarma, have been widely accepted and practiced in Indian classical medicine. However, many people are not aware of their benefits and wonder how these surgeries can actually treat them. The Best Private BAMS Ayurvedic College in UP discuss top 3 therapies are used for Ayurvedic diseases and improve the quality of life for both your body and mind. But first, let’s have a brief overview of the Panchkarma facility, what it is and it’s top therapies.

Panchkarma Facility: A Quick Overview

Panchkarma therapy is a complete Ayurvedic health care system consisting of five therapies. Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshan are five therapies that have a major role in the overall holistic treatment plan. The most important step in Panchkarma therapy is detoxification which aids in rejuvenation with releasing toxins from the body.

As per the experts at the best ayurvedic hospital in UP, it helps restore strength and vitality to the whole organism. Therefore all of the treatments involved should be done under medical supervision.

Best Private BAMS Ayurvedic College in UP

Top 3 Panchkarma Therapies: Learn at the Best Private BAMS Ayurvedic College in UP

1.  Vaman

2.  Virechan

3.  Basti

Learn the best Panchkarma therapies through Ayurveda

  1. Vaman

Vaman Panchkarma is the most commonly performed Ayurvedic therapy. It involves scraping, suctioning and washing the abdominal organs with herbs and oil to relieve persistent digestive disorders that accompany injury or inflammation of these organs.

It’s a system of purification, detoxification and internal rejuvenation. It involves the ingestion of a sweet or sour substance, such as sugarcane juice, honey or jaggery, along with pungent substances such as ginger, turmeric or almonds.

  • Virechan

Virechan is a panchakarma therapy that involves cleaning out the colon by using herbs, spices and other substances to cleanse it of its impurities. This process can be done either internally or externally depending on your requirement.

It is another form of panchkarma therapy where herbs are mixed with honey, ghee or cow’s milk and then consumed orally. It helps in removing toxins from the body and improving immunity as well as relieving constipation.

  • Basti

Basti is another Ayurvedic therapy that uses herbs, spices and other substances to cleanse the colon of its impurities. It is usually performed after virechan since it helps cleanse out residual toxins from your colon before proceeding with any further therapies such as vaman or nasya.

Basti refers to cleaning out all types of impurities such as urine, faeces, pus and blood through one’s rectum. This procedure involves taking a mixture of herbs along with hot water and consuming it orally or by having it poured over one’s body for about 10-15 minutes at a time for a period of three times a day for 7-10 days. Besides, it’s applied until all the impurities have been removed from the body.

Best Private BAMS Ayurvedic College in UP: Choose SKS to Learn the Best ofPanchakarma Facility

Panchkarma asana, kriya and vajikaran are the most important and basic Ayurvedic therapies for health. These methods are performed to rejuvenate toxins, blood and nervous system in patients with certain diseases or imbalance of a body. After getting admission at the best private BAMS Ayurvedic College in UP, students will get ample opportunities to learn these practices under the expert facilities at SKS Ayurvedic College.

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