Departments & Laboratories
The college is headed by the Principal Dr. J.P.AWASTHI qualified in MD (Dravyaguna) and has devoted and experienced teaching faculty. The College is well established with all Departments/Museum and Lab facilities.
Department of Samhita, Siddhanta & Sanskrit
The Scientific and Philosophical relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm are taught through Sanskrit, Padartha Vigyan, Charaka Samhita and Ashtanga Samgraha. Sanskrit is taught to the students as a spoken language.
Department of Kriya Sharir
Department of Kriya Sharir is concerned with the understanding of normal functions of the human body through Ayurvedic perspective. This department has a full-fledged Laboratory and practical hall for bio-chemical experiments and investigations. Well equipped lab with all sophisticated equipments. The department has a museum with good number of Models Specimens and Charts. Well equipped lab with all sophisticated equipments.The department has a museum with good number of Models, Specimens and Charts.